

下面, 你会找到各种与学费相关的常见问题的答案, 费用, 房间, 和董事会.

  1. 参加威尼斯人app下载的总费用是多少?

    的成本 学费学费、住宿费和伙食费取决于你所参加的课程. 

  2. 书籍和用品是否包括在直接成本中?

    不,不过联合山和巴恩斯合作过 & Noble to ensure all students are prepared to begin learning on the first day of classes. Raider Ready提供所有必需的教科书, 实验室手册, 为本科生提供访问代码和数字教科书版本. Mount Union will be covering the cost of renting textbooks so that eligible students will receive them for free. Students should check 电子邮件s 30 days prior to the start of classes to confirm their book selections.

  3. 如果我不能一次支付全部金额,有什么付款计划可用?

    We have a semester payment plan with payments due on July 31 for the fall semester and December 31 for the spring semester. We also have a monthly payment plan offered by Touchnet, that allows monthly payments due on the 15th 每个月的. 此计划的申请费为每学期45美元,不可退还.

  4. 什么是学费支付协议,为什么我们必须归还它?

    *学费支付协议 is the financial agreement and legal obligation between the student and the University. 我们收到这份表格是非常重要的. 的 agreement needs to be signed (online) by the student and returned to the Office of Business Affairs by June 30. 未能返回签署的协议将被禁止注册.

    *需要访问Mount Union的学生,教师和员工门户

  5. 我什么时候能收到我的第一张账单?

    您可以通过访问同事自助服务查看声明, 点击学生资助, 账户活动, 然后选择术语, 然后点击“查看语句”.付款截止日期为7月31日. 看到我们的 付款清单 威尼斯人app下载信息.

  6. 开学前还需要交哪些重要的表格?

    根据联邦法律, 你必须署名授权, individuals permitted to discuss with the Business Office the status of your student 账户. 的 代理访问 是否允许学生帐户与所列人员讨论您的帐户.学生还需要在*上签名联邦第四章授权. This form allows us to use federal aid monies to pay for miscellaneous 费用 other than 学费 和董事会 and also allows us to hold any credit on the student 账户 if the student requests. 所有表格均在自助服务门户网站网上填写 通过点击用户名图标. 将出现一个下拉菜单. Click on “Required Agreements” and click on the manage button to complete both the 学费支付协议 and 联邦第四章授权.  点击“查看/添加代理访问”完成代理授权.

    *需要访问Mount Union的学生,教师和员工门户

  7. 我的父母/监护人可以查询我的结余吗?

    You can give your parents/guardians access to your 账户 via 同事自助服务. 如果有人帮你付账, 您可以通过您的 同事自助服务 账户.

    点击“学生财务”,选择“在此支付学费”,,然后进入“我的个人资料设置”,点击“授权用户”.在那里,你可以添加一个授权用户的电子邮件地址来访问. 的 authorized user will receive two (2) 电子邮件s:  one advising that you are giving them access and one with a temporary password. 请注意:此密码将在24小时内失效.

    可以选择分享,包括但不限于学费余额. We ask that you review your 账户 balances to verify that all the charges and aid are correct.

  8. 你们接受信用卡付款吗?

    是的. 大学接受签证, 万事达卡, and American Express for payments via the student portal and online or at the kiosk located at the Office of Business Affairs Cashier's Window. 收银台不接受信用卡付款. 出于安全考虑,我们不接受电话付款.

  9. 使用信用卡要额外收费吗?

    是的. 学生支付学费和相关费用, 包括食宿费, 与信用卡将被评估信用卡便利费. This convenience fee is paid directly from the card user to our third-party processor, 支付路径, and is used by credit card companies to cover expenses for reward programs and consumer incentives. 该费用将作为单独的交易项目显示在您的信用卡对账单上. 威尼斯人app下载不收取这笔费用的任何部分.

  10. 如果我选择按月付款计划,我会被收取这笔费用吗?

    是的. 的 plan will charge a convenience fee for each transaction for credit card payments on the payment plan.

  11. 我如何支付我的学生账户并避免便利费?


    • 从支票/储蓄账户(ACH)进行网上支付
    • 亲自到商务办公室出纳窗口以现金支付
    • 通过邮寄或亲自到收银窗口用支票或汇票付款
  12. 我如何查看学生账户上的账户余额?

    你的学生可以通过 同事自助服务. 所有余额都可以在学生财务页面上以电子方式查看. 我们要求你审查这些余额,以核实所有的费用都是正确的.

  13. 如果我因为任何原因无法支付账单怎么办?

    If you have not signed up for the monthly payment plan and do not pay your bill on time, 开学后每月将收取1%的滞纳金. 余额超过1000美元的学生账户将被冻结. 这将禁止学生注册下学期的课程. 

  14. 如果我的帐户被搁置,我该怎么办?

    什么是hold ?? 

    A hold is a block on your 账户 that prohibits you from performing an action like registering for classes or requesting a transcript. Most holds are financial holds and result from the student’s 学费 or 费用 not being paid before a deadline. Students with unpaid 学费 and 费用 will not be allowed to register for the next semester or request an academic transcript until the 学费 and 费用 are paid.


    *您有权查看您的成绩单用于就业目的, 不管你是否欠了机构债, provided you have authorized the transcripts be sent directly to the employer and the employer affirms to the institution that the transcripts are a prerequisite of employment.



    您可以查看一下您的账户是否在等待中 自助服务. 进入“学生资助”. If a hold has been placed on your 账户, you will see a notification above your Account Overview. 展开通知将给您一条关于保持类型的消息.



    Clearing the hold on your 账户 will depend on the type of hold that has been placed on your 账户. 请按照下面的指示解除你的等待.

    • 营业厅余额持有
      • You have a 营业厅余额持有 because your 学费 账户 balance is over $1000. 查看你的余额 自助服务 在“学生资助”下. 点击“在这里支付学费”付款. If you need help applying for loan funds, contact Financial 援助 at (330)-823-2674 or 电子邮件 finaid@heinekenbeerfriender.com. 你也可以 安排约会 咨询财务援助顾问. 其他付款方式可在“付款清单”下查看,或者您可以与学生账户联系以获得其他付款选项.
    • 商务办公文件
      • You have a Business Office Document hold because you have not signed your 学费支付协议. 登录 自助服务 点击右上角的用户名. 在“所需协议”下,您将看到“学费支付协议”。. 你需要阅读协议并接受. 
    • 保健中心舱
  15. 如果在收到所有资助后,学生账户被多付了怎么办?

    如果学生帐户显示贷方余额,则a 退款 将会发出. 退款通过直接存款或纸质支票支付. 每个学生都需要通过 同事自助服务 -在学年开始时提供银行信息. Please note that t在这里 is no need to re-enroll each semester or each new school year unless an address or bank information changes. 如果没有收到注册信息, 退款s will be processed in the form of a paper check and held at the Business Office Cashier’s window for pick up. 支票将不邮寄. 

    退款 are reimbursed throughout the semester starting the third week of the semester and every two weeks t在这里after as needed.

  16. What are other services available at the Cashier’s Window of the Office of Business Affairs?

    Any student 账户 questions can be answered by the staff in the Office of Business Affairs. Any billing that needs to be sent to receive outside 奖学金 are handled by the cashier.

  17. 营业处/收银窗口在哪里?

    收银窗口位于比格利大厅的二楼. 周一至周五上午9点开放.m. 到下午4点.m.

  18. 我在校园里怎样使用现金?

    亨廷顿银行自动取款机位于胡佛-普莱斯校园中心. Mount Union的收银处也从周一到周五上午9点开放.m. 到下午4点.m. 在比格利大厅的二楼. 个人支票可兑现的上限为50美元. 如果你的个人支票超过了这个数额, 出纳员可以安排在当地银行兑现你的支票. 学生的薪水也将低于这一限制. Cash will be given up to $50 while the remainder can be applied to the student's outstanding 账户. 当地银行包括亨廷顿银行、公民银行、关键银行和大通银行.

  19. 为什么我的助学金奖励金额与我的账单账户上显示的助学金金额不一样?

    该奖项详细说明了您的年度捐赠援助,贷款和勤工俭学资格. You must complete loan processes if you wish to take advantage of the loans listed on your award offer. 帐单显示了你一个学期的实际费用, less any financial aid that has been credited to your 账户 and is what you actually owe.

    T在这里 are several reasons why you may see a difference in your estimated cost on the financial aid award offer and your billing 账户.

    • 学生经济援助办公室正在等待你要求的文件.
    • 您尚未完成所需的贷款流程.
    • 直接贷到你账户的少了1.057%的费用,而直接家长PLUS贷款则少了4%.228%的费用. 这些利率在每年的10月1日重新设定.
    • 你正在上的课程会产生额外的课程费用(例如:实验室费用), 指纹识别的指控, acadeum课程, 等).
    • 不同的食宿选择.
  20. 什么是1098-T ?我为什么需要它?

    的 information on the 1098-T is provided to assist with filing for the education tax benefits/tax credit deductions, 比如终身学习税收抵免和希望奖学金税收抵免. 您的表格将在1月31日之前以电子方式提供自助服务. 表格1098-T的阅览/列印步骤可参考 在这里. 请记得注册以电子方式接收您的1098-T.

    威尼斯人app下载无法为您提供个人税务建议, 但如果你有问题, 你应该寻求一位知情的税务准备人员或顾问的建议.

  21. 如何取得1098-T表格?

    的 Form 1098-T is mailed to your current address on file if electronic consent is not received by January 15. 同意接收电子邮件的步骤如下:

    1. 从 同事自助服务 主页

    2. 选择“税务资料”

    3. 选择单选按钮以“只接收电子格式的1098-T表格”

    4. 保存


    • 比传统的邮寄过程更早地提供对表单1098-T的访问.
    • 在线访问消除了1098-T丢失的机会, 被误导, 或延迟交货, 或者学生收到后放错了地方.
    • 注册在线访问既简单又安全.
    • 学生可以在旅行或离开家庭地址时访问他们的1098-T表格.